GİZLİ AMC Orta məktəb Xarici imtahanlar Bilik yarışı amc-7may

AMC 8 (7 May) - English - 7th, 8th Grade

The AMC 8 is 25-question, 70-minute, multiple-choice examinations in high school mathematics designed to promote the development and enhancement of problem-solving skills. The AMC 8 is for students and covers the high school curriculum.

İmtahanı Al - ₼9.90
Toplu alış - ₼4.90 ən az 10 nəfər yazılı imtahan üçün

Başlama intervalı

09:00 08.05.2022
16:00 07.05.2022 (Bitib)


1 saat 15 dəqiqə


2 il əvvəl

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